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Выдержки из Gothic FAQ English (часть II)

18. What type of paint should I use on my leather jacket?

Use acrylic paints and a clear acrylic lacquer/varnish (available from WH Smiths). Get a small, soft brush which can be moistened into a clearly defined point. Clean the jacket with a damp cloth and let it dry thoroughly.

Sketch the design out using feint chalk or make a stencil using masking tape. Paint in thinly applied layers and allow each layer to dry fully. Apply four or more coats. Finally, apply two coats of the lacquer over the design plus a 1cm border.

The more coats of paint, the less cracks appear. You may wish to touch up the design once a year or so. Lacquer will also stop the design cracking and getting dirty.

19. What musical equipment is used to achieve common goth sounds?

For the 80's sounding jangly guitar, a semi-acoustic guitar is a must. This has a more natural, medieval mandolin sound than an electric guitar, but packs more punch than an acoustic when used for melodies.

Drenching any guitar with a chorus effect seemed pretty much mandatory at one stage (most Mission, first Sisters LP). Flange the bass if you want to sound like the Cure or Souxsie, or just turn all your effects up to 11 and jam around if you want to sound like Bauhaus. The only mob with more effects than your average goth band were the shoegazers.

Digital synths such as the Yamaha SY and Korg M series can produce some excellent string sounds which have become more popular with 90's goth music. Don't skimp on your synths; old synths and home keyboards can sound cheesy with too much squeaky treble. A good digital synth should be able to produce deep, resonant string sounds. Choral sounds are also the domain of the digital synth; look for a range of human waveforms which can provide bass notes that don't sound too breathy and soprano notes which don't sound like the Smurfs. The Yamaha SY35 and SY22 have some stunning string and choral patches as factory settings (although they may require some fiddling with to make them more punchy) and can be bought second-hand for GBP250 or less.

The reverb effect is the most popular goth effect and is also the most expensive. It provides a cathedral-like echo used to make jangly semi-acoustic guitar riffs and haunting, swirling vocals. Units start with budget floor pedal boxes from GBP60, then quickly progress into MIDI multi-effects units and on to expensive dedicated reverb units. For synths, it is often better to look for a synth with reverb built-in as this usually allows for reverb on one voice whilst leaving other voices alone. Synth reverb is especially effective on string arpeggios, choral chords and staccato woodwind melodies.

A gate effect is popular with industrial crossover bands, to chop up vocals or guitar to make them sound more artificial. Repeatedly triggering gates from MIDI sequencers can make electric guitar chords sound like punchy rhythms. Gate effects can be found in many MIDI multi-effects boxes and some analogue synths, in addition to expensive dedicated racks.

Analogue drum machines were used on early 80's goth music and are becoming popular again, although you're going to have to fight a lot of techno-heads for them. These can produce very artificial sounding rhythms using white noise and basic waveforms through analogue filters. A good model is the Notavation Drum Station which retails for around GBP450 new, but if you don't have time to program your own drum sounds, you may be better off with a synth or sampler equipped with a good set of TB808 drumkit samples. For the adventurers, the Roland MC-303 Groovebox GBP500 seems to be an ideal piece of kit as this combines analogue drums with analogue synths, as does the Yamaha CS1X GBP600 which has a full sized keyboard. For purely analogue synths try the Notavation Bass Station at GBP350. If you have money and patience, some of the 'classic' analogue synths are worth a look (Prophet V, Jupiter 8) if you can find a good one.

Goth has been going for around twenty years now, so you'll need plenty of imagination and inspiration if you don't want to sound like Goth By Numbers.

Материалы, отпечатанные ниже, содержат сведения о заболеваниях, а также информацию, применение которой может оказаться опасным для здоровья...

20. What health implications are there in using speed / heavy caffeine use / being anorexic / avoiding the sun?

At this point I'd like to restate that the author has no medical qualifications and you should seek professional medical advice before acting on any information given here. Information was obtained from a variety of sources including the British Medical Journal and the top of my head.

A fine set of drug-related FAQs and archives are available at: http://hyperreal.com/drugs/

Dexamphetamine is the usual constituent of 'speed'. Because reduced appetite is also a side-effect of amphetamines, they have been used in the past as a treatment for obesity. A new amphetamine drug, dexfenfluramine, is now prescribed for this purpose as it carries no risk of addiction. Some amphetamines are prescribed to asthmatics.

Amphetamines promote the release of noradrenaline (a chemical that controls the level of activity in the brain stem where the spinal cord joins the brain) thus increasing brain activity in this and other parts of the brain. In low dosages, this increases wakefulness and concentration. Some individuals, particularly the elderly or those with psychiatric problems are particularly sensitive to stimulants and may suffer adverse effects, even if exposed to low doses.

Amphetamines reduce the levels of natural stimulants in the brain stem such that after regular (ie. daily) use individuals may come to physically depend upon them to function normally. When used by people who don't need them or in excessive doses they result in over-activity of the brain, extreme restlessness, nervousness and over-anxiety. Amphetamines can cause shaking, palpitations, sweating, breathing difficulties. Exceptionally high doses can produce fits (similar to epilepsy) and hallucinations.

Regular users can expect to suffer constipation, mood swings, and become emotionally unstable. If amphetamines are always used for a particular activity, e.g. clubbing, users will gradually come to depend upon them to enjoy/be capable of performing that activity normally. They will also suffer a reduced resistance to infection (immune system is compromised).

Use of amphetamines at any stage of pregnancy increases the chances of premature birth and a low birth weight.

In short, they're pretty nasty if you overdo it. Amphetamines are classified under Schedule II (Class B) of the Misuse of Drugs Act. Possession in any form is illegal without a prescription. Theoretically, if you inject speed it becomes a Class A drug.

The sun interacts with a pigment (Melanin) in your skin to form Vitamin D. Vitamin D is vital for maintaining strong bone structure and teeth. In adults, a deficiency in Vitamin D causes backache, muscle pain and easily breakable bones. Vitamin D is available in perfectly adequate quantities from Oily fish (Sardines, Tuna, Herring), liver, most dairy products (milk, cheese, egg yolks). As long as the diet contains these, sunlight is not a requirement. Vitamin D supplements are available cross-counter. Skin ages more rapidly when exposed to the sun.

Essentially, risks associated with avoiding the sun are low as long as you eat sensibly, and your skin will be healthier than somebody who spends all day in the sun.

Heavy caffeine use will make you irritable and, in the extreme, could make you violent. Slight weight loss is not uncommon. You will tend to swear more and get annoyed easily. It can also increase your blood pressure, which can cause heart trouble. If you use caffeine tablets such as ProPlus or high-caffeine drinks such as Jolt or Virgin Energy to keep you dancing at nightclubs, drink other soft drinks to replenish your energy and quench your thirst (not Cola since that contains more caffeine, and not diet drinks since they do not contain much energy).

Anorexia Nervosa is a mental eating disorder which usually begins as a voluntary effort to lose weight. Anorexics simply don't eat very much, if at all. An Anorexic is unable to recognise when they have lost too much weight, or alternatively they may have some other reason for avoiding food (often family or social problems). Apart from being very thin and not eating, other symptoms include blotchy skin, general ill health, permanent tiredness, wasting muscles and depression. Death is not uncommon in extreme cases. Anorexia is a matter for a doctor who may refer the patient to a specialist.

Bulimia is very different to Anorexia. Bulimics will tend to eat as much, if not far more, than a normal person, but will employ various tactics to purge excess food from their system. Vomiting is common, and usually this results in strained stomach muscles and mouth ulcers from stomach acid. Only in extreme cases do stomach ulcers occur. Bulimics sometimes suffer from general ill health and long term circular phases of weight loss and filling out, but on the whole they do not feel depressed and are indistinguishable from normal people.

For professional help regarding eating disorders contact the Eating Disorders Association: Tel. 01603 621 414, Mon-Fri 9am-6:30pm. EDA Youth Helpline (18 & under) 01603 765 050, Mon-Fri 4pm-6pm.

If you want to loose weight safely and permanently, eat sensibly and exercise regularly. Exhertive nightclub dancing and sit-ups are good at shedding pounds, but you should consult your doctor before radically changing your lifestyle.

Конец спецвставки


23. What does "perky" / "mopey" mean?

"Perky" is a term applied to goths who like to dance energetically and grin manically. Perky goths tend to dress more casual than mopey goths, preferring hooded sweaters, combat trousers, heavy boots or trainers- and some of their clothing may even be colourful! Polka dots are considered quite perky, mostly due to the Strawberry Switchblade style of dress. Perky make-up tends to be less precise and painstakingly done, as the most important thing is getting on that dancefloor! An inclination towards industrial or techno tastes is common.

"Mopey" refers to goths who take themselves too seriously. You can find mopey goths in the dark corners of clubs, staring blankly at their pointed feet and not talking. Should you be lucky enough to engage in conversation with a mopey goth you will most likely be told exactly why The Crow isn't the least bit goth and how the last Current93 album was poorly produced compared to their earlier work. Although primarily motionless creatures, mopey goths are prone to extreme physical violence.

26. Where can I buy gothic clothes?

It's not actually that difficult to get hold of an immense gothic wardrobe, but it will take some imagination and a certain amount of cash for the particular. Although there are actual gothic clothes shops and manufacturers where you can buy off-the-peg velvet dresses, lace skirts, and what-have-you, many goths do not live near them and cannot afford forty pounds for a black crushed-velvet dress that lots of other goths have already bought. So here's some alternative suggestions (assuming you are, like most of us, on a budget and don't want to buy everything in London!). Personally I don't think I've ever paid over 25 pounds for a single item of goth clothing, and that was for a full-length velvet coat - most things come much, much cheaper if you keep looking.

First of all, you need to have a rough idea of the look you are going for - Victorian, scruffy, futuristic or clubby. After that, the best approach is to look hard in unlikely places...

The high street can have a huge amount of potential, particularly in the post-Xmas sales when a huge amount of black velvet and lace is on sale in the form of cut-price party dresses. Several goths I know get all their going-out-clothes in one massive sales swoop. This approach may not work so well in summer! Top Shop and Miss Selfridge are stores which frequently come up with some excellent goods - from PVC trousers and skirts, black mesh t-shirts, velvet bodices, fluffy jumpers... it's just a case of keeping your eyes open. This isn't limited to girls - larger sized shirts / t-shirts / skirts-for-blokes are often available.

Northern goths swear by the 'Schuh' chain for 'interesting' boots although their ranges can vary and they can be expensive if they don't have a sale on. Otherwise you may want to visit 'Ad Hoc' in London (see Yellow Pages for branches), although their boots are generally expensive all year round!

Second-hand and antique clothing shops are always worth a look although you may have to search long and hard to find something that fits you and that you can afford!

Beyond that, fetish and corset makers may offer some more expensive additions to your outfits - latex wear and corsetry are currently much in favour with goths; the trendier end of the 'club wear' market can provide some excellent (if pricey) alternatives to the standard range of clothes (e.g. Jan '97 - black devore dresses for 50 pounds); most of all, use your imagination, keep your eyes and mind open and don't feel you need to have to the 'Dark and Mournful Clothing Emporium' just to 'get the look'.

Категория: Готы | Добавил: urbekforces (27.11.2008)
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